The Cause

Ethiopia is a beautiful country with a long history and rich cultural traditions. The people of Borena in the southeastern Oromiya Region are pastoralists and farmers, living in remote villages commonly affected by drought. UNICEF estimates that 22% of Ethiopian children under five die due to a diarrheal disease, most often caused by unsafe drinking water, lack of sanitation facilities, and poor hygiene. Lifewater’s work in the Borena Zone began in 2009 and since then, Lifewater and the Mekane Yesus Church have provided safe drinking water to more than 100,000 people.

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Meet Daren

I truly believe that we are all given God-given gifts, passions, and abilities that we called to use to give God glory. It has been a great joy of mine to be able to worship using my athletic gifts. I cycle, hike, swim, and run because I know I can help others in need. This is why I am a Team Activewater athlete. With Activewater, I'm able to help those in Africa with safe, clean drinking water. 

Use your next athletic endeavor to serve those in need with 

Past Endeavors at a Glance
